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Zach Garcia
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Zach Garcia

How to make a Swiftie's Head Explode

The "New Arrivals" bin. That's where I immediately go when I shop at my local record store, Grace Records. It's always where I find the most interesting albums, as they're previously loved discs that someone has chosen to sell to the store. You never know what you're going to find...

Zach Garcia

It's a put on...

I recently rewatched the HBO series "Entourage" over again. I remember liking the show when it originally aired. So the thought of rewatching it was exciting to me. I remember it as being a fun show about fame and "making it". A little peek under the skirt of Hollywood stardom....

Zach Garcia

All I need now are you and your bags...

I love the show "Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist" which used to air on Comedy Central. And along with "Our lady of perpetual acceleration, don't fail us now..." from "The Blues Brothers", the other phrase I repeat (literally every time I travel) is from a relatively unknown comic named Barry Sobel...

Zach Garcia

Engage Weaponization

I can't sleep. My mind is focused on the large business project I'm working on. So I'm trying to distract myself as I lay in bed and not think about it. I was doing a pretty good job too... But I couldn't help myself, I had to get up and...

Zach Garcia

Much disappoint

I'm trying not to be a downer. But man, it's hard. I've been dealt some personal and professional blows lately and it's hard not to take them personally. Even though I know there is absolutely nothing personal to them. Business decisions on both sides of the coin. You think you're...

Zach Garcia

What's in a (Nick)name?

I've been thinking about names and nicknames lately. I have nicknames for my kids, but not really my wife. We don't have nicknames. Did we come up in an age where nicknames weren't really a thing? Not really. Plenty of people I know have nicknames. Sure, you can add an...

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