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Zach Garcia
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Zach Garcia

...who needs Enemies?

What makes a "friend"? These days that's a hard question to answer. Especially in the modern era of social media... It seems that real relationships get more difficult to start and maintain the older I get. It's certainly not impossible to make a new friend at 46 years old. But...

Zach Garcia

Cold November Rain

Random thoughts: It rained today. It's always so exciting when it rains in Arizona. Sure we could use the water, but more than that, we could use a break. I'm not complaining that it's sunny all the time. That's why I live here. But dammit if a nice chilly fall...

Zach Garcia

I Hate Halloween

Sometimes I feel like I should be laying down on a couch and telling these stories to a psychiatrist but that's expensive... So you, dear reader, will have to do... I hate being scared. Like HATE it... I hate the feeling of feeling terrified. Like I won't even go in...

Zach Garcia

Concert Yearbooks

Once again, I had a dream.... I woke up from this one excited... I might be on to something here... I was at a cousin's house, Erica, who doesn't exist. But it's probably a mashup of Lisa and Eric, who do exist, and happen to be Lynn's cousins... Anyway, Erica...

Zach Garcia

Too excited to sleep

I'm leaving on a jet plane today... I should be packing. I should also win an award for procrastination... I slept great last night, considering all that's on my mind... I have a list of restaurants that I have to eat at when I travel back to my hometown. So...

Zach Garcia

Dreaming of ketchup

It is time to embrace and celebrate ketchup, not be ashamed of it. - Jose Andres I consistently have some pretty weird dreams. But this one is so beyond weird that I had to write about it. And the crazy part is, it wasn't even the meat of the dream....

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